
The Roadmap contains features that are in the planning phase.

Music-enabled Visualisations

Work has been started on creating threejs-based psychedelic visualisations that will respond to an audio input. This is particularly aimed at DJs and other entertainers. Visualisations will be displayed alongside other media, or on its own.

Watched Folders

Upon request, pr0nView can import new files found in selectable "watched folders". If new files are found, you can be prompted to rename, tag or catalogue them.

AI integration

pr0nView has the ability to use OpenAI's API to fetch metadata about a video or image (requires an OpenAI subscription and API key). This is useful when categorising or renaming media.

AI-enhanced Bulk Renaming

Using OpenAI, pr0nView can rename your files and/or move them to a selected folder. Users will be able to nominate a rename strategy (for example filename-mp4-1080p-ac3-192khz.mp4 or filename-tag-category-1920x1080.jpg). pr0nView will share filenames and folder names with OpenAI to fill in any "gaps".

Video Conversion

As part of the FFMPEG integration, a standalone video converter (similar to Handbrake) will be developed that will allow the user to convert from one media format to another. This can be useful to make sure the video will play back smoothly with low overhead.

Layout Builder

While 5 layouts come pre-packaged with pr0nView, functionality will be developed for users to create their own mixed-media layouts.

Linux Support

If appetite exists, pr0nView will be distributed as a Linux app in addition to Windows and Mac.